Interested in working with me?

I thought so! Currently, I'm only during static sites and CMS-powered dynamic webpages for individuals, although I may eventually expand this.

Pricing Calculator

I don't know you and you don't know me. Otherwise, it would be free. Instead, this will cost you, barely.
Design cost: $0
Upfront cost: $0
Finished cost: $0

You pay half the design cost upfront, then the other half and the first annual payment when the site is finished.
This is just an estimate. I will provide an exact cost once given your desired features. If you have questions, then please email me or !

Potentially Common Questions

Why a calculator?Well, honestly, it's much easier than doing "packages." Instead of making you choose from a list of 1000 different possibilities, you can just mix and match to make your own!
Static? Dynamic? What's the difference in this context?The backend is the type of server that runs your website.

Static sites are significantly cheaper to host, but require a bit more work to update and host, at times. If I make your site static, you will need to host it yourself, but you will be in complete control of its content and provided with its original code. If you know what you're doing, this is cheaper and easier. If you aren't tech-savvy, this probably isn't for you.

Dynamic sites cost a bit more to host, but can be automatically updated from a CMS (content management system), where you can easily edit the contents of your site. You will not be provided the code, but I will fully manage the backend, making everything easy. You can even use server-side features, like a contact form on your website. Whether you are or are not tech-savvy, this plan is great.
How much do custom domains cost?The answer? Whatever you want! I'm not going to charge you for a custom domain, but I can encourage you to get one from Cloudflare, since they sell them at cost (around $10 a year). If you use theirs, I will walk you through setting it up with your site one time. If you already own a domain, I assume you know how to use it, and will just provide you with the CNAME and A records for your site.
What's the difference between the home page options?Simple: You want a static, unanimated, very organic-looking home page. It still looks nice, but it's just a little boring and stationary.

Standard: You want your home page to pop, with some moving parts and slideshows, but nothing too crazy. Example

Advanced: You want to go all out on your home page, complete with animations on scroll and plenty of animated parts, whilst still looking great on all devices. Example
What can go on an "additional page"?Anything that you could put on a standard home page. This is the perfect place for portfolio pages with a basic, animated grid to encapsulate all your photos.

For additional pages that would fall under the "simple" page category, you can get 2 for free, which would be sufficient as, for example, a static contact page and an about page. After that, all additional pages are charged.
What can go on a dynamic page?Dynamic pages are best for content like blogs that is in the style of a simple page (stationary, unanimated), but contains plenty of documents that make different pages.
How do I determine my asset size?Typically, the asset size is the sum of the sizes of all your media files (images, videos, audio, etc.) that end up on your site. The asset size is an upper limit, and you can always go under it, but not over. You will be charged extra for exceeding it. The first 100GB are free, which is more than enough for most photography portfolios.
When is payment due?Half the design cost (design) will be due upfront, then once the site is finished, the other half of the design and the first annual cost (listed as "finished cost") will be due. The date this is paid is also the date that, in the future, annual payments will be due.
How long will it take to make my site?That depends on the complexity and how many things you want! For reference, a site with a standard home page, 2 dynamic pages, and 2 standard pages takes around 2 weeks. I will try to get a first draft to you within 48 hours of the upfront payment, after which a majority of the work will be in back-and-forth with you, working out kinks and perfecting the look of your site.
Do you do logos?Nope! I am not a graphic designer, despite the beautiful Earth on the home page. I will make enough graphics to support an advanced home page and that is it. I will provide a generic logo if you don't provide your own, but it will suck!
Do you have a question that isn't listed in this nowhere near complete list of questions?

Contact Me


  1. A static site is provided as-is, without any further support or updates from me, unless the "Continued Support" is actively paid. If it is, you will get minor updates and bug fixes, but no major changes will be provided without additional fees, which will be decided if and when they are requested.
  2. A dynamic site, while its annual fee is paid, will get minor updates and bug fixes, but no major changes will be provided without additional fees, which will be decided if and when they are requested.
  3. Half a site's design cost is due upfront, and the other half, as well as the first annual payment, is due after the site is complete.
  4. During the time of development, which will last anywhere from 1-4 weeks, I will communicate with clients via text or email, during which any changes or developmental decisions should be made. If, during this time, you choose to add more features, then you will pay for them, in their entirety, at the time of their request.
  5. Before development, clients should provide either examples from existing websites or mockups (paper designs or digital art, either one works), so that I know what I'm going to build. If you don't provide these and have me build blindly, you probably won't get what you're looking for.
  6. If a dynamic site's fee is not paid for 6 months after it is due, then it will be shut down until payment is provided. There is no interest or stacking of unpaid fees.
  7. A dynamic site will not be converted to static, but for a one time $75 fee, an existing static site that I created can be converted to dynamic. You will not be provided the new code, however.
  8. Dynamic sites will have their backends hosted on Vercel with Sanity as the CMS, although I could use other services at your expense.
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